Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Ok, I'm busy with my MA thesis so, unfortunately, here is another filler. 

Still, this is an interesting question.  Within the realm of things that are possible, what is your dream app?  Is there something you are dying for your phone to have?  Let me know!


  1. How about an App that does your thesis for you. :P Yeah, I bet you saw that coming.

  2. MA Thesis, damn that some serious stuff, have fun with that. As for my dream app, I cannot for the life of me think of something, probably because I still have a dumb phone :P

  3. A netflix app for android... I can only wait!

  4. TV.. I know there are TV apps where I can watch random channels and stuff.. but I mean something cheap which will allow me to watch good TV anywhere.. but rather than a dream app, I would rather have a longer battery life!

  5. I understand that this time of the year gets really busy for students. I finished my 2nd year last week. Good luck with your thesis.

  6. Clarkson looks moderately intrigued by your premis

  7. I'd like an Adobe CS App. IT'd be expensive as hell, but I'd like a good Photoshop or inDesign on the go.

  8. my dream app is one that can control time

  9. There should be an industry standard with applications, enabling them to work on either platform.
    See I bought the iphone a while back and got a few apps that I can't really do without any more (I use an invoicing application to run my small business.)
    Now that this phone is due for replacement, I am stuck with Iphone if I wish to keep using the application.

